Sunday, February 14, 2010

Digital Nation Part 2

The second part of Digital Nation left me unsure as to how I feel technology is affecting us. I am able to see the positive and negative aspects of technology and understand how technology helps and hinders us. It was not surprising for me to see children in Korea having technological addiction problems. With technology so prevalent in their country, it is clear that children may have a hard time staying away. It is somewhat scary to see how technology can completely consume a person's life.

I disagree with the U.S. Military using technology as a recruitment strategy. Children are very easily persuaded and providing them with games that they think are "cool" may lead to them making a decision that they could regret later on. Comparing war to video games is completely inappropriate. On the other hand, technology has been used with children in positive ways as well. The stories about schools providing the children with computers as learning tools was inspiring and it was amazing to see what a difference technology made in those particular schools.

It is hard to truly determine if technology is overall positively or negatively affecting us. With technology changing and improving every day, it could be years before we see the long-term effects of modern technology on people. Until then, people should embrace technology for what it is, while making sure to be responsible when using it.

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